Goethe Yearbook Special Volume 1 (1994)

Interpreting Goethe’s Faust Today


  1. Paul Hernadi, “Preface and Acknowledgments.”

  2. Jane K. Brown, “Introduction.” xi-xiv.

  3. “Bibliographical Note.” xv.

  4. Virgil Nemoianu, “Absorbing Modernization: The Dilemmas of Progress in the Novels of Walter Scott and in Faust II.” 1-16.

  5. Robert Tobin, “Faust’s Membership in Male Society: Prometheus and Ganymede as Models.” 17-28.

  6. Jeffrey Barnouw, “Faust and the Ethos of Technology.” 29-42.

  7. Hans Rudolf Vaget, “Act IV Revisited: A ‘Post-Wall’ Reading of Goethe’s Faust.” 43-58.

  8. Harald Weinrich, “Der zivilisierte Teufel.” 61-67.

  9. Jane K. Brown and Marshall Brown, “Faust and the Gothic Novel.” 68-80.

  10. Meredith Lee, “Faust’s Harzreise.” 81-93.

  11. Simon Williams, “Performing Mephistopheles.” 94-100.

  12. Hannelore Schlaffer, “Paradies und Parodie: Die letzten Szenen in Goethes letzten Werken.” 102-111.

  13. Gail K. Hart, “Das Ewig-Weibliche nasführet dich: Feminine Leadership in Goethe’s Faust and Sacher-Masoch’s Venus.” 112-122.

  14. Herbert Lindenberger, “Closing up Faust: The Final Lines According to Schumann, Liszt, and Mahler.” 123-132.

  15. Christoph E. Schweitzer, “Gretchen and the Feminine in Goethe’s Faust.” 133-141.

  16. Cyrus Hamlin, “Tracking the Eternal-Feminine in Goethe’s Faust II.” 142-155.

  17. Ulrich Gaier, “Dialektik der Vorstellungsarten als Prinzip in Goethes Faust II.” 158-171.

  18. Gerhard Kurz, “Das Drama als Ragout: Zur Metaphorik des Essens und Trinkens in Goethes Faust.” 172-186.

  19. Clark Muenzer, “Goethe’s Gothic Classicism: Antecedents to the Architecture of History in Faust II, Act III.” 187-206.

  20. Christoph Jamme, ” ‘alter Tage fabelhaft Gebild’: Goethes Mythen-bastelei im Faust II.” 207-218.

  21. Martin Esslin, “Goethe’s Faust: Pre-Modern, Post-Modern, Proto-Postmodern.” 219-227.

  22. Stuart Atkins, “Goethe’s Faust at the Hands of Its Translators: Some Recent Developments.” 231-238.

  23. Karl Robert Mandelkow, “Wandlungen des Faust-Bildes in Deutschland.” 239-251.

  24. Peter Lackner, “Directing Faust in America Today.” 252-261.

  25. C. Bernd Sucher, “Faust-Inszenierungen in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien seit 1980.” 262-270.